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Irish Association

Year 2000 Spring Seminar

This took place on Saturday morning, February 19, in the Boyne Valley Hotel, Drogheda, on 'the Role of the Media'.

The speakers were:

  • David Lyle (McCann Erickson market research)
  • Brendan Keenan (Irish Independent)
  • Don Anderson (Independent Television Commission)

There were separate workshop discussions on the printed and electronic media, in which most people were able to participate. There were some 50 people present.

The key conclusions were that media were intensely local to both jurisdictions, that attempts to achieve overall coverage had been unsuccessful, but that there was scope for development of cross-border cultural reviewing in both directions.

It was also noted that the advent of cable and digital TV would present an opportunity for total availability in all Ireland of all Irish-based TV stations. At present most of Belfast had no access to RTE. UTV was accessible throughout the Republic, and British stations were accessible all over Ireland, in the West with re-transmission. Despite this RTE was holding its share.

(The foregoing is a rough preliminary outline, by myself as website editor, having attended and taken some notes. As soon as scripts become available in full, I will hotlink them in, and perhaps give an additional few lines of abstracts for each on this overview page. RJ 19/02/00.)

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